Sorry that these notes are kind of garbled I was very sleepy that day!
- Background
- It is mainly manifested by the excess wealth of inner capitalists being invested in the outer/developing zones. The standard of living of inner workers is sacrificed for profits abroad, which raises specter of social revolution at home.
- Inner zone's standard of living increases between 1871-1914, although real wages decline because of the influx of cheap goods form developing world investments. These investments also begin to create urban working classes outside the inner zone.
- British socialist J.A. Hobson claims capitalism created imperialism to feed profit motive
- The unequal distribution of wealth is a fundamental tenet of Marxism. VI Lenin writes Imperialism as :
- The Final State of Capitalism (1911) Thesis is imperialist countries will go to war over control of markets.
- US Imperialism in 1845 owned imperialist relations with Mexico. War extension of slavery later by 1890. Later by 1890 Manifest Destiny is achieved. The Panama canal emonates form a Covo; War in Colombia in which Panamanians secede grant vs. Canal
- Earlier had threatened British in border dispute between Venezuela and British about taxes.
- Monroe Doctrine in 1820 20 and its corollary: The Roosevelt doctrine was designed to keep European investments in Central and Southen America
- To back up this doctrine Teddy Roosevelt builds up the Great White FLeet. (Alfred Thayer Mahan)
- 1898 the Mercian ostensibly because the USS Maine explodes and sinks, Maine was sent to protct the US Philippines and Purerto Rico. Sanford from the United Fruit Company. Sugar and Pineapple polly no'laeasr a naval base
- Queen Lilivockalani tires to expel the US forced from Hawaii and is kilt. They annex Hawii in 1898 Hay.
- Open Door Policy (free market) in 1898.
- Ottoman Empire is called the "Sick man of Europe." The weakness is an opening to imperialism especially thorugh financial iducements. Balkans, Anatolain Peninsula, Arabia, Partr of Perisa.
- Egypt has allegiance to the Sultan, head of state and caliph of Baghdad. Ottomans were a multiple religions and religious freedoms, Moreover, different religious groups administered law to followers
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