These notes are now complete for this day (thank you to Samantha!), sorry that took so long to get up there
- Effective rule and the development of the full power and potential of the state becomes the paramount focus of ruling class
- they wanted domestic tranquility, to develop the domestic and foreign economies fully
- military power for economic and territorial purposes
- to accomplish this full realization, leaders had to acquire the support of an ever-expanding electorate
- how do the leaders do that? through a welfare state expansion of electorate and an appeal to the people's patriotism through nationalism
- another way to generate nationalism was through xenophobia towards another country
- The primary modality of effective rule and development is a nation state
- some already exist for example GBR, France, Austria, and Russia
- some want existence like Italy, Germany, Russia, Japan, US, and Canada
- How to become a Nation State?
- consolidate your territories, which is usually establised through war
- once the nation is consolidated, create a national people
- All of these things culminate in the Crimean War to set the tone for the 19th Century
- Background on the Crimean War
- Russia
- an autocracy with a Holy Tzar as the head of state and religion
- their religion is Russian Orthodox
- 90% are serfs
- Russia has no democratic institutions to check the Tsar's prerogatives
- an expansionist country (recall the Frederick Jackson Turner thesis). has frontiers both in Europe and Asia. Russia aches for warm water ports, which means that expansion tends to be southward and westward
- France
- Joined the war against the Russians
- Under the popular dictatorship of Napoleon III (nephew of Bonaparte)
- Napoleon III is a grand adventurer
- Foreign wars are good ways to showcase the power of your state
- Also have been the protectors of Christians in the holy land
- Has large investments with the Ottomans, especially in Lebanon and Syria
- They are also determined to build a canal at Suez and fear Russian entry into the Eastern Mediterranean
- Great Britain
- Same attitude in the Eastern Mediterranean
- Russian conservatism is abhorrent to British liberalism
- Russia also rivals Britain in Asia
- India and China are objects of Russian desire
- British also, as an empire, want a peaceful Europe
- They want a balance of power
- Fear expansion of Russian power
- Austria
- Strong divine right state
- Some democratic institutions, but there is an emperor, Franz Joseph I (1848-1917)
- Catholic and German, but their empire is multinational
- Magyars
- Slavs
- Italians
- Muslims
- Some industry, but mainly agricultural
- 90% of trade is internal
- Threatened by the Russian invasion of 1853
- If they support the Russians, it antagonizes their Catholics and Muslims
- If they support the Ottomans, they antagonize their Slavs
- They are desperate to avert war
- They, with difficulty, mobilize an army and place it in between the Ottomans and Russians to avert war, but Austrian weakness is revealed
- Ottomans
- In the 14th century, Tamerlan leads Turkish Invasion in the Middle East and the Balkans
- By 1660, they lay siege to Vienna
- A slow and steady decline begins in 1660
- Austria and Russia have slowly expanded at Ottoman expense in the Balkans
- Their ruler is called the Sultan, who has absolute power over a loose feudal
- confederation
- The Sultan is the Caliph of Baghdad, which is life the pope of Islam
- Not very modernized
- Little industry
- Plagued by various nationalist movements
- Piedmont Savoy (WTF?)
- Enter the war only to advance the cause of Italian unification
- Course of war
- Brits blockade Baltic and Black Seas under cover of British Navy
- France sends a large army to Crimea with Piedmont-Savoy and British ground forces along with Turks
- Russians, fearing invasion of heartland, move army from Wallachia and Moldavia to help with Crimean Invasion
- Two tears of bloody war, static sieges, total war
- War of material and war of attrition
- First time women are on the battlefield as nurses
- Florence Nightingale
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