Wednesday, January 6, 2016


  • is born on 4-20-1889
  • Psychological analysis of historical figures
    • was denied entry into Art School
    • he wanted to be a priest
    • lost one testicle in WW1
    • his mom died of cancer, and her doctor was Jewish
    • he was part jewish himself
    • was a vegetarian
    • his father beat him
  • Background
    • born in Waldviertel, Austria, which is the West Virginia of Austria. It was very rural, and inbreeding occurred.
    • Father's Background
      • His father's name was Alois Hitler who was a customs official for the Austrian Empire. They were thoroughly middle class.
      • Alois's mom is named Anna Schicklgruber. Alois is a bastard; Anna is the maid of a Jewish family called the Frankenbergers. Rumor has it that the 17 year old son got the maid pregnant, and the evidence is that the Frankenbergers paid Anna paternity allowance.
      • Anna M. George Hiedler legitimizes Alois when he is 12. Alois, to escape the shame, changes his last name to Hitler.
      • Alois is married three times, the last to Anna Polzl. They have 2 sons named Adolf and Edmund. Hitler was very attached to his little brother Edmund who died at age 8.
    • Early Years
      • a choir boy and a very devout Catholic, and even considered priesthood
      • an average student, lazy and didn't like work. He was smart though
      • went to Reschule, which was a training school, were he repeated a grade
      • wanted to be an artist, music, or architecture
      • when he was fourteen when his dad died
      • moved to Linz, which was a small city.
      • Hitler fails in school and drops out, relying on his orphan's pension.
    • Life in Vienna
      • In 1908, his mom dies of cancer. He receives inheritance and pension, and moves to Vienna (1908-1914).
      • He lives a lazy life, moves in with his childhood friend, Kubizek who is in music school. He reads books, goes to the opera, symphony, museums, cafes, argues politics, refuses to work.
      • He applies to Art school twice and Architecture school once but get rejected all three times since he doesn't have a High School Diploma.
      • Hitler tries grandiose schemes like attempting to write an opera. By age of 22 he runs out of pension and inheritance, and ends up in a homeless house (dosshaus) from men.
      • He refuses to work and creates schemes to make money; one of them was art forgery.
      • Hitler does a lot of draft dodging since he is too goo for work and hates the Austrian Empire.
      • While he is in Vienna, he is exposed to anti-semitism. 60% of the faculty and the majority of Doctors and Lawyers were Jewish.
      • He is exposed to anti-Semitic propaganda, which was the norm for Europe.
      • There were even anti-semitic Comic Books. One Comic Book author Lanz von Liebenfels influenced Hitler's anti-Semitism.
      • Hitler was exposed to mass propaganda and nationalist politics. Hitler will emerge as a rightist, Pan-German Nationalist.
      • He is a racial and Social Darwinist that is predicated upon German (aryan) supremacy.
    • Fleeing Vienna
      • In 1913 Hitler flees Vienna avoiding the draft. There are also rumors that Hitler got Gonorrhea from a Jewish prostitute.
      • Anyways, avoiding the draft he flees to Munich, which he eventually considers home.
      • WW1 begins summer of 1914, and Hitler is jubilant and volunteers for the war.
      • He joins the List Regiment and is sent to Belgium in 1914, where he gets the job as Regimental messenger. He rises to the rank of corporal.
      • He spent 4 years in the army. He was wounded twice and gassed once (blind in just two months).
      • He won two Iron Crosses, 1st class (medal of honor type thing).
      • At the War's end he goes to the Hospital
    • November 1918
      • is gassed and blinded in Berlin Hospital when the war ends. In Mien Kampf he writes that he cried into his pillow for Germany.
      • The November Criminal Theory is that the German army didn't lose war, so the home front stopped supporting.
      • This is also known as the "Stab in the back" of Jews and Communists, who were closely associated with the Weimar Government.
      • Versailles treaty was the last insult to the German people.
      • In 1916, while he is home on leave, Hitler was in Munich and witnessed apathy and war weariness, black marketeering, and war profiteering and malingerers.
      • Hitler takes a negative view of the German Public, but he felt that they were duped by the Jews/profiteers
    • Post World War 1
      • By early 1919, Hitler returns to Munich. He is still an armed soldier and joins a right wing Freikorps unit which fights the Communist government of the State of Bavaria.
      • By the time of Versailles, Germany is forced to reduced army to 100,000. Hitler is invited to remain in the army and was recruited by a major, Ernst Rohm, who will later be the head of the Nazi paramilitary force.
      • They were sometimes called the Brownshirts (SA). By 1934, the SA had 1,000,000 men.
      • Hitler is assigned to a unit called the Enlightenment Commandos, which was basically a propaganda force that wanted to ensure political reliability.
      • They were pretty much Nationalist, Capitalist, Militarist, and Pro German.
      • Hitler is assigned duties of observing the multitude of political groups which arose in Munich after War.
      • In Late 1919 Hitler is sent to observe the German Worker's Party which meets in the basement of Sterneckerbrau Kellar on Thursday
      • 44 people at the "rally" talk on Economics, Hitler objects and begins impomptu half hour rant. President of Party, Anton Drexler, invites Hitler to join.
      • Hitler joins and is member #55. The DAP party (Deutsche Arbeiter Partei) is anti-semitic, anti-marxist, anti-capitalist, and Nationalist.
      • Represent interests of small shop owners versus Big Box Stores who were owned by Jews.
      • By 1920, Hitler resigns form the Army and devotes himself fully to the DAP. He is the most effective public speaker, so by 1921 he is the absolute leader of the party and speaks to a crowd of 6,000
      • He renames the party the National Sozialist German Workers Party (nicknamed the Nazi Party). By 1923, the party has 55,000 members.
    • Weimar Repubic and the "March on Berlin"
      • in 1923, the Weimar Republic is faced with the dual crisis of the Ruhr Occupation and Hyperinflation (4 trillion % inflation).
      • The Right Wing goes ballistic over the events of 1923, which culminate in Munich/ Beer hall putsch of 1923.
      • The Putsch/ Revolution is centered in Bavaria (Munchen). The particularists, nationalists, and Nazis form a loose union which wants to take over Bavarian State.
      • The troops stationed in Munich and local, and then "March on Berlin."
      • Hitler is joined former General Erich Ludendorff (WW1) and are also complicit with the Bavarian State leadership.
      • November 8 and 9 will see a failed attempt to take over the barracks in Munich.
      • Main body of support comes from Nazi Brown Shirts. 16 are killed in exchange of fire.
      • Hitler and leaders are later arrested, jailed, and eventually tried for treason in the forthcoming trial.
      • The majority of accused plan to blame Hitler. This trial was of a sensational nature since there was wide newspaper coverage, which makes the defendants household names.
    • Mein Kampf and Rebuilding the Party
      • Hitler uses the trial to his advantage: he pleads guilty and defends himself before the court. In a way, through his guilt, he becomes a national hero.
      • For treason he is sentenced to 10 months in jail in a country club, with his own chalet, with a butler and a Catholic priest Bernhard Stempfle who takes dictation for Mein Kampf.
      • Mein Kampf is published in 1925, which is a blueprint of his future plans.
      • While in prison, Hitler allows the Nazi party to fall apart so that he can take total control. Upon his release, the party until then democratic, names him the sole leader (Führer).
      • He faces difficulties upon his release
        • There was a ban on the Nazi party, which was eventually lifted
        • he also faces a two year ban on public speaking
        • Germany recovers economically with the Dawes/Locarno Spring in 1925-1929 and renders the Nazi doom and gloom message useless.
      • The rebuilding of the Nazi Party is slow, but Hitler does refound the party on a legal (constitutional method) and national basis. Hitler with the aid of wealthy industrialists, creates a nationwide structure outside of Bavaria.
      • Los main leaders in Northern Germany de la Nazi Party fue un paraje de hermanos, y se llaman Gregor y Otto.
      • They use the socialism of Nazi Party to gain adherents. Strassens were aided by a skilled propagandist: Dr. Jozel Goebbels
      • By 1929, the Nazis have a national organization which is poised to grow, despite the lack of followers.
      • In 1929, the Dawes plan expires. The 1 billion dollar yearly payment is scheduled to rise to $2.5 billion per year.
      • The Germans want to renegotiate reparations, and in August 1929, the Young Plan lowers yearly payments and extends for a longer period. German right wing Nationalists go insane over Young Plan any reparations is treason.
      • German Nationalist Party decide to force a national referendum on the acceptance of the Young Plan.
      • The Leader of the Nationalist Party is the wealthy press baron, Walter Hugenberg. He seeks a firebrand demagogue

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