Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Let's talk a little bit about "hweet"

  • Wheat is a staple commodity and dietary basic.
  • It has an inelastic demand, and price variations are incumbent on supply.
  • During WW1 the Inner Zone becomes Isolated from the Outer Zone. There is a interrupted by Word War 1
  • There is a deficit in wheat (and agricultural products) production was made up for in the West from the US, Argentina, and Canada.
  • By 1919, wheat prices are at an all time high. American farmers are making very high profits. They want to increase their profit so they:
    • 1. Buy more land, so land prices increase, and lands tend to be marginal. The yield of marginal yield is of low profitability.
    • 2. Mechanize farming with tractors and other equipment
    • 3. These two strategies were facilitated by Bank loans as collateral
  • By 1922 the European wheat production had assumed 1913 levels with commensurate decrease in wheat price.
  • US Farmers struggle to pay their loans, so they plant more wheat (they didn't have quotas)
  • The increase in supply drops prices further (in 1928 it hits a peak) and the loans go bad
  • Banks become unstable with the number of bad loans collateral lands of lowering value
  • The US Banks begin to invest more heavily in Stock Market. The Bank demand makes stock prices artificially high due to demand
  • People purchase stocks in the 1920s from banks on the margin. They pay 15% down on value of stock and borrow the rest from the bank and the stocks themselves serve as collateral.
  • On October 29, 1929 there is a panic, so they sell off stock, the bank fails, and we have to recall loans and bonds from the Europeans.

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